Great Preston VC C of E Primary School and Nursery


School Uniform

Please ensure all items of uniform are named

Our uniform, without the school logo, is available from most chain stores and supermarkets. Items with the school logo can be ordered online via 

We also have a small amount of second hand uniform, please contact the school office if interested.

Book bags and PE bags can be purchased from the school office. Please contact the main office (0113 2320034) to request these items and make payment using ParentPay. 


School Uniform:

Red sweatshirt with or without logo

Red cardigan with or without logo

Red or white polo shirt with or without logo

Black trousers, shorts, skirt or pinafore to suit weather

Red & white gingham dress

Flat black school shoes for outdoors


PE Kit (children will need to come to school wearing their PE kit on specified days):

White T shirt

Black shorts

Pump bag

Trainers for outdoors

Plain black tracksuit for outdoors



One piece costume for girls (Bikinis are not allowed)

Trunks for boys (not long or baggy)


You can also find our school uniform policy by clicking here