Great Preston VC C of E Primary School and Nursery

Design Technology

How DT supports our school’s vision:

Design Technology at GPCE is a practical subject where children are given the opportunity to make choices and find creative ways to solve real and relevant problems, both as individuals and collaboratively. Through the study of Design and Technology, they combine these practical skills with an understanding of aesthetic, social and environmental issues, as well as function and industry.  By both reflecting on and evaluating technology, its uses and impacts- pupils are able to design, make and evaluate their own prototypes and products. Pupils will be given the technical and practical expertise needed to perform everyday tasks confidently, including the skills needed for cooking and food preparation.

Design Technology Long Term Plan

Our long term plan has been developed using the guidelines set out by the National Curriculum, following guidance from the Design Technology Association and Food - a fact of life (FFL). We have designed a long term plan that outlines the key concepts, skills and knowledge to be taught throughout pupils' time at Great Preston with clear progression outlined for each year group and opportunities to embed key skills and concepts.

Design Technology Medium Term Plans

The team with responsibility for DT have developed Medium Term Plans for each unit of work. Our medium term plans set out the concepts, skills and knowledge that will be taught. Class teachers can then develop a scheme of work using the Medium Term Plan which takes into account the needs and interests of their class. 

Example of a medium term plan