Great Preston VC C of E Primary School and Nursery

Sports Provision

Our Vision

At Great Preston we are committed to delivering a high quality PE and Sport curriculum that develops knowledge, fundamental movement skills, fitness and social skills to allow our children to enjoy leading healthy, active lifestyles. We aim to develop confident, resilient, ambitious young people who thrive to achieve their full potential in all aspects of school and community life.


Sports Premium

Since 2013, the Government have given school additional funding allocated to improve the provision of PE and sport. At our school, for 2023-24, this is £17,770.

At Great Preston C of E we use the Sport Premium Funding to improve and enhance the quality of PE, physical activity and Sport provision in the following ways:

  • Providing staff with high quality training and CPD for increased skills, knowledge, understanding and confidence in all areas of the PE curriculum.

  • Providing cover staff to release teachers for professional development in PE and sport

  • Purchasing a scheme of work through UK Sports provider that allows skills in the key areas to be developed progressively through each year group.

  • Buying into the Brigshaw Trust Sports offer to provide further professional development for our staff and provide more opportunities for inter-school competitions.

  • Developing termly intra-school competitions for all children through membership of the Youth Sports Trust.

  • Increasing pupil participation in a wide range of extra-curricular sports clubs.

  • Developing our school playground to encourage physical activity at play times and lunchtimes.


Our sports premium spending and impact information can be found below:


 Sports Premium Plan 2023-2024.docxDownload
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