Great Preston VC C of E Primary School and Nursery


How History supports our school’s vision:

 Through our teaching of history we will prompt children’s curiosity by exposing them to artefacts / experiences from the past. We will guide them to think about what they are seeing and question it. We will support them to analyse events of the past using their knowledge and morals. Through independent and collaborative approaches, children will become aware of the impact of history on their lives today.

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History Long term Plan 

Our long term plan has been developed using the guidelines set out by the National Curriculum and following guidance from the Historical Association. We have designed a long term plan covers key aspects of British and World history and takes into account our local history. 

 In KS1 we focus on history that is relevant to the child in our locality and triggers an interest and enthusiasm for history through our subject choice.  We are keen to develop the disciplinary knowledge that will lead to little historians. 

 In KS2 each class has two history topics - a history of Britain unit and a unit that will be either wider world or local history focussed. Our history of Britain units are planned chronologically through the Key Stage.  

History Medium term Plans 

The team with responsibility for history have developed Medium Term Plans for each unit of work. Our medium term plans set out the concepts, skills and knowledge that will be taught. Class teachers can then develop a scheme of work using the Medium Term Plan which takes into account the needs and interests of their class. 

Example of a medium term plan