Great Preston VC C of E Primary School and Nursery


How PE supports our school’s vision: 

PE at Great Preston will motivate the children to develop their understanding of a healthy body, healthy mind and consequently healthy relationships. They will learn physical and sporting skills that will stay with them through life, enabling them to maintain a healthy lifestyle. PE is a vehicle for developing their own moral compass through their understanding of teamwork, collaboration and respect. As a result, they will become discerning sports people who are gracious yet driven, committed and resilient competitors. Through exposure to a diverse range of sports, the children are encouraged to develop their own individual aspirations.

PE Long Term Plan

Our long term plan has been developed using the guidelines set out by the National Curriculum. We subscribe to PE planning which provides us with a Long term plan, and medium and short term plans. These are adapted to meet the needs of our class where necessary. Progression of skills is clearly mapped out using PE Planning resources. Our delivery of PE is supported by our work with Sports UK, with each teacher receiving a weekly CPD session from a coach.

PE Medium Term Plans